Diagnosis Gaps Solutions - Vim
Diagnosis Gaps

Diagnosis Gaps

Vim Diagnosis Gaps increases care team engagement at the point of care for improved risk adjustment accuracy.

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Accurate diagnosis capture is critical for payers and providers working under value or risk – based contracts. Current payer efforts for HCC confirmation for risk adjustment are often manual and disconnected from EHRs, leading to high administrative burden and incomplete risk scoring.

With Vim Diagnosis Gaps, payer-sourced suspected diagnoses are embedded directly into provider EHRs, surfacing patient-specific condition gaps and assisting providers in quickly and easily taking appropriate actions for accurate and efficient risk adjustment processes.

Diagnosis Gaps

“It only took four minutes.”

Practice administrator reflecting on end-to-end download, account setup, and activation process

Vim’s EHR connectivity technology offers significant advantages over legacy integration approaches – leading to faster aggregate outcomes at the network level

Diagnosis Gaps

Ease and speed of integration EHR integrations dramatically simplify deployment for providers, accelerating uptake and impact

Diagnosis Gaps

Advanced workflow capabilities
Read-write solutions integrate flexibly and powerfully into existing workflows, giving providers value-based care support when, where, and how they need it

Diagnosis Gaps

One-time connection
One-time connections enable plans and providers to add new use case capabilities with minimal lift, accelerating capabilities to meet evolving performance landscapes across multiple lines of business

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