Asset Library - Vim

Vim Asset Library

Welcome to our asset library. Here you will find useful documentation and links regarding Vim and our applications and workflows.

IMPORTANT: We update our assets frequently as our products and offerings change, to ensure you are using the most up to date version of our assets – simply share the links below as those links will remain constant even as content changes. If you download and share files, we cannot guarantee they will remain up to date.

Asset Library
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Assets helpful for implementing and activation of Vim at clinics.

Clinic Implementation

Clinic Activation

Vim Chrome Extension

MSI Install

GPO Install

Vim Interface

Vim Applications

An overview of all Vim application’s purpose and a brief walkthrough of how to use each app.

* Please note, your organization may not have all applications enabled.

Support & Security

Various assets covering a security, compliance, and support related topics.

Uninstalling Vim

Security & Compliance

Basic Troubleshooting

In-app Support

Console & Reporting

Assets relating to the Vim Admin Console and Utilization Dashboard.

Admin Console

Admin Console - clinic facing

Utilization Dashboard

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Vim Brand Guidelines

Font family:

Proxima Nova

H1 (900) – size 36px

H2 (700) – size 18px

H3 (700) – size 16px

H4 – Bold, Link, Medium, Regular – size 14px

Primary Blue
#4CC9E3 rgb (76, 201, 227)
#FFFFFF rbg(255, 255, 255)
#D8D8D8 rgb(216, 216, 216)
#32333C rgb(50, 51, 60)
Regal Blue
#083A6B rgb(8, 58, 107)
#10ABE4 rgb(16, 171, 228)
Main Logo
Light Logo
FAV Icon